Alex Garland’s Annihilation is a thought-provoking science fiction film in the vein of Denis Villeneuve’s Arrival and Christopher Nolan’s Interstellar. Adapted from Book One...
As film fans, we are constantly in search for new, exciting and fresh material. This fact extends to franchises and...
We all have a certain image of how a member of a satanic cult might look like, thanks to movies like Rosemary’s Baby and Hereditary. You might think they meet secretly in dark robes to sacrifice goats and drink the blood of infants. Well, you would be half-right. Penny Lane’s...
Monster movies are never just one thing. Night of the Living Dead isn’t just about zombies, it’s about prejudices rooted deeply into...
Something Else is great for any moviegoer, but it’s hard to argue that horror fans won’t be especially pleased. It’s...
Home Sweet Home comes at a price in new thriller The Intruder. Hoping to one day raise a family away from the concrete jungle, Scott (Michael Ealy) and Annie Russell (Meagan Good) tour houses in the country. They find the most picturesque home, but it comes with strings attached—the previous owner...
Welcome to our third entry in the States of Horror series, in which we take you on a spooky road...
Which came first, Jaws or the summer monster movie? Of course, a film historian would point out that Jaws was...
If there’s one subgenre of horror so malleable that it can mold itself to any theme, vampires would be the best contender. Whether they’re imposing, ancient creatures of the night, or simply teenage rapscallions with an aversion to the sun, each of these bloodsuckers comes with their own mythos that...
The opening of Robert Olsen and Dan Berk’s (The Stakelander) new film, Villains, sets the tone for the events to...
What’s up weirdos? Welcome back to Awfully Good, where we celebrate movies that maybe go a little bit uncelebrated. Tonight’s...
Monster movies are never just one thing. Night of the Living Dead isn’t just about zombies, it’s about prejudices rooted deeply into our society. It isn’t just a story of a murderous clown, it’s also about the horrors of growing up. The Wolf Man isn’t just about werewolves, Frankenstein isn’t just about reanimated corpses, Bird Box isn’t just about...