Poe is a hard nut to crack. An enigmatic figure of melancholic prose with a life (and death) as dark...
A small town in Northern Ireland is turned upside down when a notorious local murderer is released from her life...
Directed by Joe Marcantonio, who co-wrote the film with Jason McLogoan, Kindred stars Tamara Lawrance as a recently widowed and newly pregnant woman forced to live with the family of her deceased partner Ben (Edward Holcroft). They were just beginning to plan their lives together when tragedy struck and suddenly any chance of...
Just in time for spooky season, director Timothy Woodward Jr. (The Final Wish) has released his latest film, The Call....
After a seemingly endless parade of false starts, fans of the beloved horror comic series Locke & Key finally have...
Director Romola Garai’s debut feature Amulet celebrated its World Premiere at the 2020 Sundance Film Festival as part of the festival’s Midnight Program. The film is a slow-burn shocker that unfolds its unique brand of madness in a methodical manner, fading from one nightmarish sense of uneasy to another. Juggling timelines...
We all digest horror films differently. Some of us get the heebie-jeebies from a good ol’ fashioned terrifying story because...
If an app could accurately tell you the exact minute you’d die, would you download it? And say that app...
In the face of prevalent everyday violence, desperate people search from something to blame. Grasping at straws, they blame video games for inspiring shootings, stating their simulated violence infiltrate the minds of youth. This claim is ridiculous, which is why director Jason Lei Howden (Deathgasm) stretches it to the ultimate...
The Pierce brothers The Wretched recently held it’s Word Premiere at the 2019 Fantasia Film Festival, introducing the world to new Witchy...
For those of us who delight in seeing Nick Frost and Simon Pegg reunite on screen, Slaughterhouse Rulez held the...
We’ve been overloading you here at Nightmare on Film Street with our film coverage and reviews of the 2019 Overlook Film Festival in New Orleans, Louisiana. And though the fest has garnered quite the name for itself as a home of new and groundbreaking genre premieres, it is also home...