The Saw franchise, notorious for its mind-bending traps and twisted morality, is back with Saw X, a semi-prequel that finds...
Welcome to the ultimate SAW Cheat Sheet! The SAW Franchise has been a cornerstone of the horror genre for nearly...
Ah, the ’80s! A time of neon leg warmers, cassette tapes, and some of the most gloriously over-the-top horror movie slashers ever to grace the silver screen. While the decade gave us iconic killers like Freddy and Jason, it also birthed a slew of lesser-known but equally thrilling slashers that...
Time and time again, horror proves itself to be inherently queer. From misunderstood outcasts battling social constructs, to brutal transformations...
The “Law of Horror Franchises” states that if a villain has not gone into space by the 7th sequel, the...
Horror movie aficionados, buckle up! We’re only 3 months down in 2023, and we’ve already been treated to some amazing horror movies in 2023. But we’ve still got a ways to go, and it’s shaping up to be a spine-tingling year for horror enthusiasts! From sequels to requels to brand-new...
Do you want to play a game? No, well… would you like to bake some cookies instead? Yeah, me too!...
I’ve long been fascinated about how horror cinema and musical genre crossover. Music fans can discover their new favorite movie...
Horror movies wouldn’t be horror movies without a good villain that you love to hate! While we can all acknowledge that these fictional characters are “the bad guys” of their stories it can still be fun to examine them through a different lens and try to understand them on a...
There is nothing better than rummaging through your film collection for a title that gives you a sense of comfort....
Christopher Donaldson’s Ditched is nothing short of a wild ride. Coming from a background as a storyboard artist for numerous horror...
If you think you know what happens in Don’t Breathe 2, you’re wrong. A master class in avoiding the repeated trappings of sequels, Rodo Sayaguez and Fede Alvarez’s follow-up to the 2016 horror-thriller will leave your expectations (and morals) tied up into a pretzel. Unafraid to wade into the deep end...