Director Joe Lynch wears the epithet “deranged” like a badge of honor. His newest movie Mayhem is evidence of that,...
The Last Sharknado: It’s About Time premiered on SyFy last night to millions of eager viewers in what is said...
There’s no one in the world of horror like Don Coscarelli. Beginning his professional film career at just 19, Don was one of the youngest working directors Hollywood would ever see. He went on to create the seminal horror piece Phantasm and it’s four sequels, and he continued his career...
Just in time for Halloween comes a comic book movie about becoming possessed by an entity that turns you into...
M. Night Shyamalan’s trilogy-concluding Glass made its way to theatres this weekend, effectively ending my almost three year stretch of avoiding superhero...
If you’re looking for a tense thriller isolated in a gorgeous setting, this is the movie for you. If you were born in the last two decades, you will probably have your pants scared right off.
Moving into a new home is such an exciting time. Figuring out where everything goes and creating new routines allows...
Going into a movie blind is my favorite way to discover a film. Nowadays, we carry spoiler boxes in our...
Pizza, Satan, and secret societies. I’m hard-pressed to think of a horror-cocktail more universally inviting. It’s no surprise Chelsea Stardust’s Satanic Panic was the top of Overlook 2019 festivalgoer’s Must-See lists. Pizza and mayhem are our kryptonite. Written by spooky wordsmith Grady Hendrix (author of Paperbacks From Hell, Horrorstor, My...
Travis Stevens’ Girl On The Third Floor takes the classic haunted house framework and weaves an original story that pulls...
Brandon Christensen’s Still/Born was named Scariest Feature at the 2017 Overlook Film Festival. His second feature Z celebrated its world premiere at the...
Andrew Patterson’s The Vast of Night was the sleeper hit of the 2019 Overlook Film Festival. While the film celebrated its world premiere at Slamdance earlier this year with rave reviews, it flew under almost everyone’s radar and took home the festival Jury Prize for Best Feature. Nightmare on Film...