In the world of horror, few creatures have captured the imagination quite like The Werewolf. From the classic Universal Monster...
Lights, camera, howls! Larry Fessenden’s latest indie gem Blackout recently celebrated its World Premiere at the 2023 Fantasia Film Festival. An...
We’ve been overloading you here at Nightmare on Film Street with our film coverage and reviews of the 2019 Overlook Film Festival in New Orleans, Louisiana. And though the fest has garnered quite the name for itself as a home of new and groundbreaking genre premieres, it is also home...
On the 200 year anniversary of Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, veteran horror director Larry Fessenden set out to retell the story...
A beach getaway sounds like a dream, right? As the world turns and it feels like every part of our...
Have you ever taken the time to remember your first introduction to the horror genre? The older you get, the harder this is to answer, so stop reading for a moment and figure it out! The story of my beginning love for horror began at my small town post office....
It’s Alive! IT’S ALIVE!! Join your horror hosts Kim & Jon as they embark on the next monsterific segment of...
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein has remained one of literature’s greatest stories. It almost poetic that a story about life after death...
Mary Shelley, Haifaa Al-Mansour’s new biopic focusing on the life of Frankenstein‘s creator, is a bit like the titular writer’s famous monster. It is awkwardly stitched together. It stumbles along unnaturally. All the pieces of a real life are there, the problem is that it doesn’t exactly come through. I’ll start...
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein has been endlessly adapted over the decades, and for good reason. It’s one of the most profound horror stories...
Whether you’re hosting a Friendsgiving, going home for the holidays, or flying solo with a tofurky loaf, there is always...
When the spooktacular stories of horror novels leap from the pages to the big screen, it’s like receiving a double shot of fear straight to the veins! We’re diving headfirst into the eerie universe of horror movie adaptations based on books. (And believe it or not, they aren’t all written...