After a seemingly endless parade of false starts, fans of the beloved horror comic series Locke & Key finally have...
Arielle Cimino and Jeffrey Ryan’s horror-comedy Mass Hysteria follows a group of actors who reenact the events surrounding the witch...
Sorry to say it, but we’re not that much less superstitious than our ancestors. Sure, there’s more scientific knowledge today than there ever has been, but how comforting is that to someone in a spooky old house at night, or lost and alone in the dark woods? This is what inspired...
It’s ironic that the fantasy genre, for all its promises to sweep us away to a world of, well, fantasy,...
I was surprised to read that Fangoria would be remaking Stuart Gordon’s 1995 direct-to-video classic Castle Freak. I couldn’t imagine...
Walpurgisnacht, also known as Walpurgis Night or Hexennacht, is a pagan holiday celebrated on the night of April 30th. It is named after Saint Walpurga, an eighth-century nun who Christianized parts of Germany. However, the holiday has roots in pagan traditions that celebrate the coming of spring and the triumph...