Osgood Perkins, known for his uniquely dark and unsettling approach to horror in films like The Blackcoat’s Daughter and Gretel...
A few years ago it was announced that Tom Gormican and Kevin Etten had written a screenplay about Nicolas Cage...
The set-up for Willy’s Wonderland is wild. Directed by Kevin Lewis, the film centers around a defunct Chuck E. Cheese-type entertainment center called Willy’s Wonderland. However, it’s not an economic slump or lack of interest that has caused Willy’s to become boarded up. Oh, no. There’s no logical explanation here....
Chuck E. Cheese needs to be taken down a peg. I don’t have anything against the mouse personally, but his...
You know when cult king Nic Cage says a movie “might be the wildest movie I’ve ever made”, you’re in...
What’s up, weirdos? Welcome to Awfully Good, where we celebrate movies that suck! With January being The Return month here at Nightmare, it only seemed appropriate to take a look at one of the worst remakes ever made (remade?). That’s right, tonight’s feature presentation is the 2006 The Wicker Man, starring Nicolas Cage as Nicolas Cage!...
If you are one of the million people who viewed the trailer online, you will have gotten a taste of...