Some say the Halloween season begins with the turning of the leaves or that first brisk morning. Well, not for...
Horror, what would we do without you? Without exaggeration, 2021 provided fans with one of the greatest slates of horror...
The Evil Dead franchise is a horror classic that has stood the test of time. From the early days of Sam Raimi’s low-budget gore-fest to the more recent adaptations, the franchise has maintained a level of quality and consistency that is rarely found in the horror genre. With all the...
Looking for some bone-chilling scares? Amazon Prime has you covered with a terrifying lineup of horror movies that will keep...
Summer is here, and while the heat might make you sweat, Netflix has the perfect chilling remedy. We’ve scoured the...
I’ve been sick as a dog this past week after bringing home a bug from my horror adventures at PanicFest. In my semi-delirious haze of sneezing out my eyeballs, bottomless teas, and naps on demand – there’s one guilty pleasure I always seem to gravitate to. Reality TV. On the...
Every year is a good year for horror. That used to just be a nice thing to say but even...
Rob Zombie, the mastermind behind some of the most polarizing films in the horror genre, has a unique style that’s...