DESCRIPTION After spending 2 weeks covering two uniquely American horror flicks, Nightmare on Film Street is setting its sights north...
Eskil Vogt’s The Innocents (De uskyldige) follows a group of children that discover they have been gifted with supernatural powers....
Powered by RedCircle DESCRIPTION: We’re kicking off Nightmare on Film Street’s Reaper Madness Month with two Stephen King tales that wouldn’t exist without drugs. Join your horror hosts Jon & Kim as they hoot and holler their way through Stephen King’s Maximum Overdrive (1986), a movie that was (arguably) written,...
There was a time when Western horror routinely questioned religions and their followers. This heated subgenre criticized seemingly untouchable organizations...
It all starts with a little girl wanting a chocolate ice cream cone and ends with a showdown of epic...
Fantasia is the rare time of the year when I get to enjoy cinema from across the world. I’m not normally one to watch South Korean horror movies, but based on what I’ve seen so far, I think I will be seeking them out more often. Korean filmmakers seem to...