Jim Hosking’s oddball comedy An Evening With Beverly Luff Linn helped open the 2018 Fantastic Film Festival in Austin, Texas following the...
The Changeling is a magical indie thriller out of New Zealand. It mixes possessions and magic with a classic cat-and-mouse thriller approach. It is both grounded, touching and full of suspense. With a mostly unknown cast and virtually no marketing, this one may slip by you, so be on the lookout and don't miss out on this little known gem!
Chris Sun’s terror-in-the-outback film Boar premiered at Australia’s Monster Fest 2017, and after a long journey from the other side of the world, will be available to stream on Shudder June 6, 2019. One major reason as to why prehistoric mammals were prone to gigantism (abnormal largeness) is because dinosaurs became extinct....
I remember interning at Fantasia three years ago and attending the Frontieres Market, a place for filmmakers to pitch ideas...
In 2016, video game company Ubisoft decided to capitalize on the classic party game Werewolf by turning it into a VR...
Were you bitten by a giant dog recently? Have your K9 teeth been growing unexpectedly? Were you recently warned by a fortune-teller that you would transform into a monster on the next full moon? If you answered yes to any of these questions: you are a werewolf. I’m so sorry...
Let’s face it, 2022 has been off to a bit of a rocky start. It seems like one bad thing...
Relax, I’m From the Future is the debut feature for Luke Higginson, based on his short that premiered at TIFF back...
Journalist & Filmmaker David Farrier has a weird beat. In fact, his weird beat is: Weird People. In his 2016 documentary Tickled he was on the hunt of an elusive “tickle porn” producer, and in his 2018 Netflix series Dark Tourist he travelled the world in search of all kinds of...
Renfield has been a staple in the Dracula story since the immortal bloodsucker first appeared back in Bram Stoker’s classic horror novel. Since...
Hey there, Scaredy cat. Are you the type of person who loves the idea of a good scare but can’t...
I don’t know about you, but I love me a Nosferatu. With their shiny bald heads, sinewy claws, and animalistic nature, they are the antithesis of everything Count Dracula. Gone are allure, seduction, and charm, instead replaced by gargoyle-like beings who only have one thing on their mind; your blood....