The are two constants in this world, states Isaac Ezban’s quirky coming-of-age-in-a-zombie-apocalypse film Párvulos– family, and change. Forced to rely on each...
The romance (and brain-eating) continues on this week’s episode of Nightmare on Film Street. Join your horror hosts Kimmi...
In the world of film, where genres blend and boundaries blur, there exists a delightfully peculiar niche that marries the heart-fluttering thrills of romance with the pulse-pounding chills of zombie flicks. Welcome to the land of “RomZoms,” where love bites in more ways than one. This unique fusion genre offers...
In the sprawling universe of zombie cinema, where the undead reign supreme, there’s a horde of underrated zombie movies that,...
The landscape of modern zombie films owes a significant debt to the groundbreaking 28 Days Later (2002), a film that...
Welcome, brave souls and thrill-seekers, to the ultimate cinematic journey through the end times! If you’ve ever wondered how you’d fare when the credits roll on civilization, you’re in the right place. Apocalypse horror movies are a macabre playground for the imagination, blending survival, terror, and a touch of fatalistic...
Happy Holidays and welcome to Bob Clark’s Creepy Christmas Spooktacular, hosted by Nightmare on Film Street. Join your horror hosts...
The 1970s: A time when vinyl wasn’t just a hipster trend, lava lamps lit up rooms with their hypnotic glow,...
Graveyards: those eerie expanses where the departed find their eternal rest, and where filmmakers unearth some of the most spine-tingling tales ever told. At Nightmare on Film Street, we’ve got a bone to pick with anyone who doesn’t appreciate the macabre magic of a good cemetery-set scare. So, dust off...
Benjamin Edelman and Manual Camilion’s Santastein delivers a comedic and bloody Christmas riff on the classic tale of Frankenstein. Laced with laughs...
Looking to beat the summer heat with some chilling thrills? We’ve got the perfect list of summer horror movies to...
Hold on to your camcorders, horror buffs! We’re delving into the shaky, grainy, panic-inducing world of found footage films. From forests filled with witches to daunting deserts harboring the inexplicable, found footage horror offers a spine-tingling realism that other genres can only dream of. So grab some night vision goggles...