Found footage is an acquired taste among horror fans. Some of us love it (meeee), and some of us absolutely...
JoinedAugust 18, 2017
Spirit Halloween has earned its title as king of Halloween, one abandoned warehouse at a time. Every year, Spirit stores...
Never has a horror villain’s origin story been so sweet. Ti West’s Pearl, hot off the release train of its predecessor X, takes us back into the isolating world of a Texas farmstead, where dreams of stardom find an abrupt and sometimes brutal end. Before March of this year, none...
Are you looking for horror movies on amazon prime? Don’t worry. We got you. Amazon Prime has definitely streamlined horror...
Scary stories told by flashlight, giggling under the covers, scary movie slumber parties – these are the moments when horror...
Is it possible to be a low-brow plot snob? Because if so, I definitely am. I like a story. With goals, and characters to root for or despise. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good metaphor to chew on when the credits role. But I do need it served...
I’ve been procrastinating in writing this review for almost two weeks. No, not because I didn’t like The Outwaters, and...
The term ‘Tortured Artist’ has been around since before Pablo Picasso reduced his self-portraits to only triangles and Van Gogh’s...
[#PanicFest2022 Review] Youtubers Encounter Ancient Evil in Found Footage Fright MALIBU HORROR STORY
I’m a sucker for a good title, and Malibu Horror Story lands in that perfect sweet spot between ‘this is going to be bonkers’ or ‘this is going to be a steaming pile of yes please’. Add on the fact that Malibu Horror Story is told in a multimedia found...
Like so many filmmakers staring down the barrel of the Covid-19 Pandemic, husband and wife duo Vanessa & Joseph Winter...
The tundra is a ripe spot for terror. And, an underutilized one at that. Boasting an expansive, underdeveloped landscape, isolation,...
Found footage is an acquired taste among horror fans. Some of us love it (meeee), and some of us absolutely detest it. The latter camp (even though they are utterly incorrect), often complains of low-level scares, not enough escalation with its horror elements, and being too stingy with its monsters....