In the world of film, where genres blend and boundaries blur, there exists a delightfully peculiar niche that marries the...
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In the sprawling universe of zombie cinema, where the undead reign supreme, there’s a horde of underrated zombie movies that,...
Dear readers, before I can move forward with my review of We Are Zombies, it’s only right that I inform...
Another year of horror movies come and gone. As we get ready to ring in 2023, lets looks back at...
Directed by Marcus Dunstan, Unhuman is the unhinged after-school special every young horror nerd (myself included) would have loved to...
Festival darling Gustavo Hernandez (The Silent House) is back with his latest thrill ride Virus :32. Paula Silva stars as...
Welcome back to Wyrmwood you filthy animals! The high octane sequel to Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead re-enters the world of...
The zombie apocalypse can hit at any time, in any place. We’ve often seen outbreaks occur in large metropolises, where...