The are two constants in this world, states Isaac Ezban’s quirky coming-of-age-in-a-zombie-apocalypse film Párvulos– family, and change. Forced to rely on each...
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In the world of film, where genres blend and boundaries blur, there exists a delightfully peculiar niche that marries the...
Rob Zombie, the mastermind behind some of the most polarizing films in the horror genre, has a unique style that’s...
Dear readers, before I can move forward with my review of We Are Zombies, it’s only right that I inform...
In 2017, audiences around the world were raving about a little film out of Japan called One Cut of the...
Directed by Marcus Dunstan, Unhuman is the unhinged after-school special every young horror nerd (myself included) would have loved to...
Happy Zombie Jesus Day, horror fans! It’s Easter, which means the movie theatres will be super empty if you’re looking...
Welcome back to Wyrmwood you filthy animals! The high octane sequel to Wyrmwood: Road of the Dead re-enters the world of...