James Gunn loves superheroes. Even before he took the helm of the wildly popular Guardians of the Galaxy franchise, Gunn...
A small town fights to stave off the apocalypse in David Hebrero’s Everyone Will Burn (Y todos arderán). Fans of...
Horror films often feature a clear-cut battle between good and evil, with the virtuous protagonist ultimately emerging victorious. However, there are some horror movies where the bad guy wins in the end. These movies are made to stun; to subvert our expectations and leave a lasting impression. If you’re looking...
Incorporating religious themes within cinematic narratives has become so widely used, it can easily go unnoticed. Horror may be the...
Gaspar Noé is a terribly unique filmmaker. His films have been notorious for decades but despite his infamous stature, his...
[Review] HBOmax Limited Series THE BABY Forces A Childless 30-Something To Mother The Spawn of Satan
Parenting is a thankless job. And no parent is given less appreciation than the mother of an evil, maniacal, (cute!) killing machine. In the new horror-comedy The Baby, a directionless Londoner is forced to sort her shit out when she’s entrusted with the care of the antichrist. There’s no concrete...
Powered by RedCircle DESCRIPTION Join your Holiday Horror hosts Kim & Jon as they close out their creepy Christmas double-feature...
Behind the scenes of some of the most iconic horror movies in history, there have been strange incidents and eerie...