Conceived, created, and cobbled together all under Covid-19 lockdown measures in Britain, Ben Wheatley’s In The Earth was unleashed on the...
Horror filmmakers often use a relevant perspective and adopt current issues to mimic socioeconomic problems and triumphs. Some are more...
The Sundance Film Festival may not be the first name that comes to mind when you think “Horror” but the festival has had a long history of rolling out the red carpet for some of today’s most groundbreaking horror films. Previous years’ programs have included the world premieres of Daniel...
Horror movie aficionados, buckle up! We’re only 3 months down in 2023, and we’ve already been treated to some amazing...
Buckle up, horror fans! Craving something surprising? Devastating? Mind-blowing? We’ve rounded up the 13 most shocking horror movie plot twists...