The ground rumbles. Glasses shake. People look up, confused. Someone mutters, “it could be a dinosaur.” No, this is not...
Eric Power’s Attack of The Demons celebrated its world premiere at the 2019 Cinepocalypse Film Festival, bringing to mind some...
The battle between Heaven and Hell rages on south of the border. Belzebuth is a Mexican religious horror directed by Emilio Portes. It’s the first release produced by his film company Pastorela Peliculas, named after Portes’ 2011 comedy Pastorela. Now on his fourth feature, Portes goes in a much darker...
Brandon Christensen’s Still/Born was named Scariest Feature at the 2017 Overlook Film Festival. His second feature Z celebrated its world premiere at the...
Chelsea Stardust’s Satanic Panic recently celebrated its world premiere at the 2019 Overlook Film Festival in New Orleans. The second film...
Mike Ahern, Enda Loughman’s Extra Ordinary is a delightfully charming Irish comedy and quite possibly the cutest ghost story ever made. I’m by no means a Grinch about lighthearted and fun-loving stories but, without a doubt, my horror-hardened heart grew 3 sizes the day I saw this surprisingly sweet film. Extra...
Life teaches us many lessons. One that universally carries on from childhood through adolescence and well into adulthood is that...
In one corner, we have Godzilla: a giant lizard-like monster with atomic breath, thick thighs, and a bad attitude. In...
Porno is an absolutely hilarious little movie from director Keola Racela about a group of born-again Christian teens under the spell of an evil force they unwittingly unleash after watching a sexy mysterious film. There are no prayers that can protect you from the sidesplitting humor of of this gory, hormone-fueled...
Dead Trigger (aka Dead Trigger: Unkilled) is an alleged and rather late adaptation of the zombie-themed first person survival horror...
Let me be perfectly honest. I don’t know how to review Come to Daddy. It’s not that the Tribeca Film...
Mexican folklore gets The Conjuring treatment in The Curse of La Llorona, the latest haunt from New Line Cinema with director Michael Chaves in his feature-length debut. The film adapts the legend of ‘La Llorona’, a fabled ghost story of a weeping female spirit whose cries into the night mark...