Charlie Shackleton’s Zodiac Killer Project is a real odd duck in the true crime documentary sphere. The film outlines the rough sketches...
The Following Film Review is Based on A True Story. Reader Discretion is Advised.According to statistics (that I’ve just now...
I want to believe. I’ve always wanted to believe, but after a lifetime of “research” and reading into what I’m reading it’s easy to assume that there are probably no aliens or flying saucers. It’s more likely secret government projects with experimental technology BUT! every once in a while, you...
Quinn Monahan’s Spooktactular!, in many ways, is the origin story of the modern American Halloween Haunt. Through interviews, news reports,...
Hold on to your camcorders, horror buffs! We’re delving into the shaky, grainy, panic-inducing world of found footage films. From...
Grab your garlic, sharpen your stakes, and put on your best evening cape, dear readers, for we’re about to embark on a nocturnal journey through the top 10 best Dracula adaptations of all time. From the silent era’s creepy classics to the modern-day binge-worthy series, we’ve got a coffin-full of...
Time and time again, horror proves itself to be inherently queer. From misunderstood outcasts battling social constructs, to brutal transformations...
As the scorching summer heat settles in, there’s no better way to beat the rising temperatures than by diving into...
Are you a horror movie enthusiast in search of the scariest horror hidden gems that will truly terrify you? Look no further! This listicle will introduce you to ten lesser-known horror films that are guaranteed to send shivers down your spine. These under-the-radar movies may not have received mainstream attention,...
Think you’ve seen it all? I hope you’ve got a strong stomach, because there are plenty of disturbing, vile, and...
Walpurgisnacht, also known as Walpurgis Night or Hexennacht, is a pagan holiday celebrated on the night of April 30th. It...
Journalist & Filmmaker David Farrier has a weird beat. In fact, his weird beat is: Weird People. In his 2016 documentary Tickled he was on the hunt of an elusive “tickle porn” producer, and in his 2018 Netflix series Dark Tourist he travelled the world in search of all kinds of...