Andy Mitton, who shocked Fantasia attendees with his 2018 ghost story The Witch In The Window, returns to the festival...
The dust may have settled from this year’s edition of Sundance, but we here at Nightmare on Film Street are...
A mysterious box shows up at your house with an even more mysterious note. Before you know it you’re trapped in a room with six strangers fighting for $1 million dollars…and your life. If you happen to find yourself in this situation you just may be in the new movie...
We Summon the Darkness has been tempting horror fans with it’s 80s vibe and shroud of mystery since it hit...
If there’s one thing a lifetime of watching horror movies has tried to teach you, it’s don’t get stabbed! Now, you...
Andy Mitton, who shocked Fantasia attendees with his 2018 ghost story The Witch In The Window, returns to the festival with a new take on the already well-trodden COVID horror story. The Harbinger is a story that could be told without the COVID trappings but it’s a tool used to show the...
Audiences can be cruel to January releases. Summer is reserved for multi-million dollar blockbusters, and the fall/winter Oscar drop is...
Will Wernick’s No Escape is the latest in a line of movies that exploits concerns hanging over social media. Unlike...
More than 30 years ago, wholesome all-American families were clutching at their pearls in their suburban homes as they watched back-to-back news coverage of Satanic cults and heavy metal music inspiring acts of murder. Those reports were debunked years later, but the zeitgeist of that era provides the perfect backdrop...
As the world has learned to cope with the crippling anxieties and confusing comforts brought on by nearly a year...
The Laplace’s Demon has been making the rounds on the film festival circuit for some time now and will soon...
The rate at which Shudder continues to deliver exclusive films is both impressive and exciting for horror fans looking for fresh content. With Halloween season ramping up, the addition of first-time director Tony D’Aquino’s The Furies is another winner and a great compliment to your 31 Days of Halloween Marathon List. On...