Andy Mitton, who shocked Fantasia attendees with his 2018 ghost story The Witch In The Window, returns to the festival...
A mysterious box shows up at your house with an even more mysterious note. Before you know it you’re trapped...
The Laplace’s Demon has been making the rounds on the film festival circuit for some time now and will soon be available on VOD February 22. Directed by Giordano Giulivi, The Laplace’s Demon is a gripping little film that takes place over one night in mansion-sized escape room. The “killer” hunting our characters...
The rate at which Shudder continues to deliver exclusive films is both impressive and exciting for horror fans looking for...
Will Wernick’s No Escape is the latest in a line of movies that exploits concerns hanging over social media. Unlike...
Panic Film Fest returns! Back again for another year of gory head explosions, gut-bustin’ gags, and blood-curdling scares, Panic Festo 2023 program has officially dropped and it’s jam-packed with horror goodies. If you’ve been cooped up inside all winter long and you’re ready to get weird and party like a...
As the world has learned to cope with the crippling anxieties and confusing comforts brought on by nearly a year...
We Summon the Darkness has been tempting horror fans with it’s 80s vibe and shroud of mystery since it hit...
The dust may have settled from this year’s edition of Sundance, but we here at Nightmare on Film Street are still stoked on the world premiere of the suburban dark thriller, Summer of ’84. We were able to talk to the directors of the film and wrote a short review...
Audiences can be cruel to January releases. Summer is reserved for multi-million dollar blockbusters, and the fall/winter Oscar drop is...
If there’s one thing a lifetime of watching horror movies has tried to teach you, it’s don’t get stabbed! Now, you...
Looking for the 10 best Canadian horror movies that will send shivers down your spine? Canada is not only known for its stunning landscapes and warm hospitality (not to be too braggadocious), but also for its many killer contributions to the horror genre. In this article, we’ll explore the top...