If you’re looking for a source of light and positivity right now, you need not look further than writer, web...
The month of April is the benchmark of many pleasantries, but this time around the start of spring is also...
When I tell people that I consider Stanley Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Odyssey to be the scariest movie ever made, I really mean it. More often than not when I bring this up, I get the impression people don’t feel the same way. I get a lot of polite smiles...
Tonally disparate film adaptations of classic television shows are nothing new. Charlie’s Angels, The Brady Bunch, and 21 Jump Street...
Being queer is pretty cool, but also pretty exhausting. As you search to find yourself in film, television, books, and...
With a tagline like “Where everything trying to kill you is downright adorable,” parents might be scratching their heads on whether DreamWorks’ latest animated series would be appropriate for kids. Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts is an exciting and vibrant adventure into a dangerous world. The Netflix exclusive...
We don’t typically think of mythology as horror-leaning. Though a lot of myths have some pretty horrific origins, the ones...
With the massive success of Game of Thrones was bound to come a slew of fantasy adaptations, including a television...
Disney’s nostalgia-fuelled remake machine has two modes: the ones like Alice in Wonderland or Maleficent that try to put a new spin on the original story, or the nearly shot-for-shot remake option of Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, or The Lion King. One of these categories has been successful, and the other has been...
Taika Waititi’s Jojo Rabbit celebrated it’s US Premiere at the 2019 Fantastic Film Festival, wrapping audiences in a warm and...
There is something every horror fan understands – the world needs to laugh at terrible things. Not a horror film...
Daniel Joseph Borgman’s Resin (Harpiks) celebrated its World Premiere at the 2019 Toronto Internation Film Festival where it was dropped on everyone’s sunny day like a thick, heavy vat of hot tar. The film tells the story of a young girl, hidden away from the world by well-meaning but ill-prepared...