Hi-De-Ho! Ha-Ha-Ha As we wait in anticipation of the new Child’s Play TV series (aptly named Chucky) coming this year, what...
Mental illness is a monster in Addison Heimann’s supernatural thriller Hypochondriac. The debut feature from the director follows a young...
Rob Jabbaz’s The Sadness is easily one of the most aggressively violent movies you’re bound to see all year. Teeming with hordes of sadistic murders, and drenched in gallons of blood, The Sadness follows several characters (some of them good, some of them very, very bad) as they make their way through a...
Jesse Thomas Cook’s cult-busting, gut-busting indie flick Cult Hero recently celebrated its world premiere at the 2022 Fantasia Film Festival. The...
In Jesse Thomas Cook’s goofy action-thriller Cult Hero, disgraced “cult buster” and deprogrammer Dale Domazar (Ry Barrett) is called up out of...
When it comes to demons escaping hell to lay siege to your family’s bloodline, it never rains- it pours. Very rarely is it ever a fair fight when it comes to battling the forces of darkness but no one is more prepared than the aged exorcist in Fabian Forte’s Legions....
Relax, I’m From the Future is the debut feature for Luke Higginson, based on his short that premiered at TIFF back...
The world is a pretty shitty place for most people, and in Véronique Jadin’s L’Employée du Mois (Employee of The...
In 2018, while visiting the Fantasia Film Festival in Montreal for the world premiere of his movie LOUDER! Can’t Hear What You’re Singin’, Wimp!, Japanese filmmaker Satoshi Miki said in an interview that his dream project would be to set a movie in the aftermath of a kaiju attack and...
Last week, a bunch of high-ranking military officials went before the US Congress and admitted that the government has been...
You’ve seen “Onyx The Fortuitous” on Youtube where he hijacks news reports with his odd personality and motormouth. Now he...
Everyone will need insurance at some point in their life but the last people anyone wants to deal with are those annoying insurance salesmen. There’s a special place in Hell reserved for people like that, as well as their greedy bosses. In the twisted dark comedy Keeping Company, we get...