A harmless internet prank gets out of hand real fast in Maureen Bharoocha’s dark comedy The Prank. Celebrating its World Premiere...
Eli Horowitz’s debut feature Gone In The Night (originally titled “The Cow“) is a quirky, contained mystery that features a surprisingly...
Ruth Paxton’s debut feature A Banquet is filled to the brim with horror that cuts deeper than any slasher ever could while it explores a multitude of real world themes and emotions that will take you on a dizzying ride all the way up to its paralyzing conclusion. Written by Justin...
Jonesing for more Yellowjackets? me too. If you’ve been lost in the wilderness these past few weeks, Yellowjackets is the...
Twenty-five years after the original, Matt Bettinelli-Olpin and Tyler Gillett’s Scream begins the journey of a franchise no longer helmed by...
Were you bitten by a giant dog recently? Have your K9 teeth been growing unexpectedly? Were you recently warned by a fortune-teller that you would transform into a monster on the next full moon? If you answered yes to any of these questions: you are a werewolf. I’m so sorry...
You know a movie is gonna be good when a naked hippy is impaled by a unicorn in the cold...
With technology ever-increasing, it’s no surprise Found Footage’s younger cousin — the screenlife movie — has been charging full-steam ahead....
Do you ever look back at who you were in high school and cringe at how you dressed, how you spoke, and how you acted? Do you feel like you’re overcompensating in the present to make up for how you were in the past? As King Knight proves, our past...
It’s been a busy year for the writing/directing duo responsible for the edge-of-your-seat thriller The Boy Behind The Door. The...
Julien Maury and Alexandre Bustillo, the duo responsible for the 2007 heart-stopping home invasion thriller  Inside (À l’intérieur), have turned...
Many a 90s kid grew up on Fear Street. Well, the series of novels by R.L Stine, that is. It probably comes as no huge surprise that I count myself among those budding Fear Street residents, devouring book after book throughout my pre-adolescent summers. And now, as a 30 something-millennial...