In 1987 The Monster Squad introduced a generation of young horror fans to the Universal Monsters. For those kids (yourself included I...
As we count down the remaining days of summer, there’s something else we fiends are counting down to – Halloween....
Pumpkin spice is back at your favorite coffee shop. Plastic pumpkins and skeleton fill the aisles of craft stores. Spirit Halloweens are opening across the country. Halloween is here, everyone, and I couldn’t be more excited. With the approaching holiday looming like a glowing jack-o-lantern on the horizon, Josh Hasty’s...
Chelsea Stardust has had a pretty killer year. She’s had not one, but two feature-length projects come to fruition. With...
A glimpse into another world not too unlike our own isn’t exactly a novel format for the fantasy genre, but...
It’s that special time of year! Pumpkins are appearing on the neighbor’s porch steps, the leaves on the trees are yellowing, and candy corn is on sale at the grocery store again. It’s Spooky Season (the best season), and by extension: Horror Movie Season. I mean, for us it’s always...
Sisters, All Hallow’s Eve has become a night of frolic, where children wear costumes, run amok and eat Hocus Pocus...
When you find yourself trapped in a horror movie scenario (as one does), your survival instincts become paramount. From relentless...