Prepare to embark on a harrowing journey into the depths of psychological thrillers and mind-bending horror. These ten twisted films...
Nikyatu Jusu’s Nanny is a horror-drama hybrid about a single mother trying to make a new life for herself and...
A glimpse into another world not too unlike our own isn’t exactly a novel format for the fantasy genre, but actress turned first-time feature filmmaker Carlson Young (Scream the series) breathes a fresh, feminine perspective into the classic down the rabbit hole jaunt with The Blazing World. ” …a...
The Old Ways follows Mexican American reporter Christina — and her journey to her homeland, Veracruz. However, she is abducted...
DESCRIPTION: Welcome to Nightmare Alley; the detour podcast from Nightmare on Film Street. This secret back alley is where horror...
Being a family can be hard. Think of your family; your loving parents or the fights you had with your siblings growing up. Everyone’s family has their quirks and dysfunction. Except now imagine that your mom is a robot, you share the same birthday with six adoptive siblings, and you...
Can a gritty crime thriller be both dark and feel-good? Writer/Director Drew Goddard sure thinks so in his swinging ensemble...