Blumhouse Productions has taken the horror genre by storm with an impressive selection of hit releases praised by fans, successfully...
Don Coscarelli, creator of the cult-favorite Phantasm series, has advice for people who want to get into independent film. In his book, True...
The final episode of a series is a tricky one to successfully produce. It can make or break an ensemble as it usually leaves viewers satisfied or disappointed, especially when it comes to an anthology-type platform. Even a consistently successful series can be severely tainted by wrapping up its run...
When you think of the least threatening forms of entertainment, board games are likely to be at the top part...
Making a feature-length episode of Into The Dark for Blumhouse and Hulu is no game. Paul Davis (Into The Dark:...
What does Thanksgiving really mean? Is it all about obnoxious feasting? Family turmoil? Idle device fixation? Superficial displays? Whitewashed genocide? Blumhouse and Hulu’s year-long holiday horror anthology, Into The Dark, continues to drive home the notion that families are still important in America, but questions the quality and meaning of...
Gratitude comes in many shapes, forms, and roles. At this time of the year, we pause to reflect on all...
There’s nothing that can drive joyful motivation and uninhibited rage quite like a nice big Christmas bonus at the end...
If there is a holiday that grounds itself in mystery, it is New Year’s Eve. The questions about the future, in both near and far sight, are countless: What will happen tonight? How will I feel a year from now? What will the new year bring? Fans of the genre...
Sex. Glitter. Secrets. Love. Confetti. Alcohol. Murder. Sounds fun, right? Actor Augustus Prew (The Morning Show) definitely thinks so when...
When you think of that special someone, your valentine, the one who owns your heart, it’s safe to assume those...
An alien invasion would set forth a pretty tremendous movement on our planet, but director Brandon Zuck takes a closer look at civilization’s actions during the grand event in his sci-fi coed horror, Crawlers. As the March episode installment of Blumhouse and Hulu’s Into The Dark series, the mythos of...