Once upon a time, way back in 2004, a then relatively unknown James Wan made his directorial debut with a...
Insidious: The Last Key marks the fourth installment in Blumhouse’s Insidious franchise. Directed by Adam Robitel (The Taking of Deborah Logan), with a script...
Leigh Whannell’s Upgrade is a high-octane depiction of futuristic violence and revenge. When polling attendees of the Overlook Film Festival, there were a small handful of films that made an appearance on most everyone’s must-see lists. Upgrade, of course, was always mentioned. Equal parts body horror and neo-noir, Upgrade is the story of...
Chelsea Stardust has had a pretty killer year. She’s had not one, but two feature-length projects come to fruition. With...
The Invisible Man is an iconic image. (Yes, that’s kind of an ironic statement, but it’s true.) One that hasn’t...
As the telltale chill of fall begins to haunt the breeze and scratch at the senses, a power is reawakened. Crawling out of the dark recesses of summer, this new and powerful vision for what is to come emerges with potency and fervor. Reviled by some, embraced by others, the...
Just in time for spooky season, director Timothy Woodward Jr. (The Final Wish) has released his latest film, The Call....
The Jigsaw Killer has been dead for years but bodies continue to pile up in Spiral: From The Book of...
Social media can be a pretty negative space most of the time, but for a small group of aspiring filmmakers chatting on Clubhouse, it became a breeding ground for creativity and encouragement. Sinphony: A Clubhouse Horror Anthology was born out of the group’s love of the genre and a desire...
There is no better time to watch a killer Santa slashing his way through The Naughty List than mid-December with...
Nightmare on Film Street, a horror movie podcast and one of the leading Film/TV Review Podcasts on Apple Podcasts and...
Welcome to the ultimate SAW Cheat Sheet! The SAW Franchise has been a cornerstone of the horror genre for nearly two decades, leaving audiences both horrified and captivated. With its intricately twisty plots, moral dilemmas, and iconic traps, it’s no wonder the series has garnered such a dedicated following. But...