The Seeding, written and directed by Barnaby Clay, takes audiences on a slow-burn journey into a desolate desert canyon where...
Audiences are not often exposed to the harsh realities of pregnancy, but director Emma Tammi is familiar with the sobering...
Was there ever a crime-thriller that came out of the United Kingdom that you weren’t immediately afraid to watch? Sure, they follow the same story beats but they play by entirely different rules. I still shudder thinking about some the smallest, cruelest moments in Danny Boyle’s A Shallow Grave (1994). Abner...
DESCRIPTION: Welcome back to Nightmare Alley, the spooky sidestreet podcast in the Nightmare on Film Street feed! This week, your...
Calling all supernatural fans and single-locations addicts! Zoom horror freaks, assemble. Jennifer Reeder’s Night’s End is the most recent Quarantine-sploitation flick to...
The vibe heavy Folk Horror Enys Men is a story about a secluded wildlife volunteer falling deeper and deeper into madness while living in isolation on a remote island. Written and directed by Mark Jenkin in his feature debut, this artsy mood piece features limited dialogue, and even more limited cast,...
Blumhouse’s newest supernatural horror Stephanie is finally getting a wide release, landing on DVD this week. An unfortunately quiet release, but...
Conceived, created, and cobbled together all under Covid-19 lockdown measures in Britain, Ben Wheatley’s In The Earth was unleashed on the...
Jane Schoenbrun’s We’re All Going To The World’s Fair is exactly the kind of horror movie you hope for when you’re stuck at home with nothing but an internet connection to entertain you. As everything everywhere is right now, the 2021 Sundance film festival has pivoted to a (mostly) virtual experience this...