Chris McKay’s Renfield hits theatres this weekend to deliver it’s unique spin on the classic Dracula story, loaded with humor, horror, and...
The #31DayHorrorChallenge is a month-long Halloween Horror movie Watch-a-thon! Horror movies and Halloween go together like caramel on apples. Like...
The #31DayHorrorChallenge is a month-long Halloween Horror movie Watch-a-thon! Horror movies and Halloween go together like caramel on apples. Like orange and black. Like pumpkins and triangle faces. Like cemeteries and fog. Like masked killers and virtuous girls who can scream real good. Like old houses on hills and angry...
Powered by RedCircle DESCRIPTION: Like Horror Films? Miss Horror Festivals? Kansas City’s PANIC FEST has you covered this April with...
Horror movies and Halloween go together like caramel on apples. Like orange and black. Like pumpkins and triangle faces. Like...
Welcome to Saturday Morning Scares, a brand spankin’ new column where we’ll be taking a look at spooky shows meant for kids! Check this space the first Saturday of every month for the rundown on a creepy cartoon (or live-action show) that’s fit to serve your family. To kick things...
“It’s almost spooky season!” is something I would say to someone who hasn’t yet started their spooky season. (Hey, for...
There was something so captivating about Robert Eggers’ The Witch that we have talked about it constantly since its 2015...
Grant Sputore’s I Am Mother was release to Netflix June 7th, proving that being a mother is the hardest and most dangerous job on the planet. Raising kids can’t be easy. Their whole lives are before them while you’re there to help shape and mold them. They could be scientists,...
If you were to set about three hours of your day aside, it’d be completely possible to zip through the...
They say Chivalry is dead, that there’s no kindness left in the world. For Frankie, the protagonist of the new...
Being a family can be hard. Think of your family; your loving parents or the fights you had with your siblings growing up. Everyone’s family has their quirks and dysfunction. Except now imagine that your mom is a robot, you share the same birthday with six adoptive siblings, and you...