Mental illness is a monster in Addison Heimann’s supernatural thriller Hypochondriac. The debut feature from the director follows a young...
What if God was more interested in punishing you for your sins than granting you un-restricted forgiveness for the gravest...
Jesse Thomas Cook’s cult-busting, gut-busting indie flick Cult Hero recently celebrated its world premiere at the 2022 Fantasia Film Festival. The action-horror-comedy mashup follows disgraced “cult buster” and deprogrammer Dale Domazar (Ry Barrett) is called up out of retirement for one last job. Fearing that her husband has been kidnapped by a new-age...
From Queensbury Pictures, those loveable psychopaths that brought you Girl On The Third Floor, comes an obsessive acid trip adventure...
A few years ago it was announced that Tom Gormican and Kevin Etten had written a screenplay about Nicolas Cage...
A unique achievement of crowdfunded filmmaking, The Unthinkable is an indie disaster movie with the feel of a big budget Hollywood production. But the Swedish film has a character-driven story and surprisingly slow burn pace that speaks to its Scandinavian sensibilities. It doesn’t always work, but when it does, it...
The ever-changing LA set thriller 1BR celebrated its world premiere at the 2019 Fantasia Film Festival where Montreal’s cult obsessed were...
The uncomfortable silence of an awkward pause, the suspicion that someone might be talking about you when you leave the...
Being a teenager almost always feels like an inescapable curse, but the 17-year-old girl at the center of Thomas Robert Lee’s The Curse of Audrey Earnshaw is the living embodiment of evil. She may walk and talk like the rest of us but she breathes smoke and death followers wherever she...
Under The Silver Lake celebrated its North American premiere on July 19th with a sold-out screening at the 2018 Fantasia Film Festival....
Age is the enemy in Raúl Cerezo & Fernando González Gómez’s eerie creeper The Elderly (Viejos). I mean, Age is...
[Fantastic Fest Review] THE STANDOFF AT SPARROW CREEK is A Brilliantly Tense Noir Fueled By Paranoia
Henry Dunham’s The Standoff At Sparrow Creek celebrated its US premiere at the 2018 Fantastic Fest, stunning and disarming every single person in attendance. At least, I assume it did because I stumbled out of the theater in a daze, unable to even formulate words. Like the first time I saw...