Nyla Innuksuk’s Slash/Back is an alien-infested sci-fi thriller set in a remote Innuit village of Nunavut, Canada. After encountering an alien creature...
Horror movie aficionados, buckle up! We’re only 3 months down in 2023, and we’ve already been treated to some amazing...
As film fans, we are constantly in search for new, exciting and fresh material. This fact extends to franchises and films we know and love, and it is here that the world of fan films has found its home. With the popularization and advent of such platforms as YouTube, fan...
Chelsea Stardust has had a pretty killer year. She’s had not one, but two feature-length projects come to fruition. With...
Scary stories told by flashlight, giggling under the covers, scary movie slumber parties – these are the moments when horror...
[#PanicFest2022 Review] Youtubers Encounter Ancient Evil in Found Footage Fright MALIBU HORROR STORY
I’m a sucker for a good title, and Malibu Horror Story lands in that perfect sweet spot between ‘this is going to be bonkers’ or ‘this is going to be a steaming pile of yes please’. Add on the fact that Malibu Horror Story is told in a multimedia found...
Jane Schoenbrun’s We’re All Going To The World’s Fair is exactly the kind of horror movie you hope for when you’re stuck...
The house may be a home, but when it’s a Blumhouse home there is more to the structure than four...
Out of all the horror films I’ve seen this year, my favorite opening shot came from Ready or Not. It’s the cover art to an old-timey (fictional) board game called “La Bail’s Gamble.” Over its retro Milton-Bradley scenery is a grinning vaudeville fiend, cackling with some horrible expression of certain...
The Welcome To The Blumhouse double-feature series has officially begun, kicking off with Emmanuel Osei-Kuffour Jr’s Black Box and Veena Sud’s The...
The creative process eventually becomes an art through those who condition their craft to produce something original. When it comes...
Looking for something spooky to read on vacation this summer? Well look no further than Bryce Gibson’s most recent novel, The Resort. Gibson writes teen fiction that takes readers to charming and oftentimes sinister areas of The South. His previous works include the 90’s throwback The Reading Buddy, the coming-of-age thriller Perennials, and the...