Explore the terrifying world where fact meets fiction as we delve into spine-chilling horror movies based on true stories. Horror...
As summer approaches, it’s time to crank up the fear factor and indulge in some spine-chilling summer horror movies. From...
The high school prom is supposed to be a magical night filled with love, laughter, and memories. But in the horror genre, it often becomes a blood-soaked battleground where terror reigns supreme. From killer dates to vengeful spirits, these 10 high school prom horror movies will leave you grateful for...
Think you’ve seen it all? I hope you’ve got a strong stomach, because there are plenty of disturbing, vile, and...
Every horror movie fan knows that the sight of a furry friend is usually a premonition of doom. From Cujo...
Ghostface returns this weekend in Scream VI and his/her/their (who knows!) reign of terror has expanded out from the quiet, sleepy streets of Woodsboro to the hustle and bustle of New York City. We have no idea what our favorite madman has in store for us at the movie theatre this...
A mainstay of the horror genre and the centerpiece to countless iconic thrillers- sociopaths are the characters you love to...
Are you a fan of the classic ‘90s horror film, SCREAM? Of course you are! Thusly, you know that the...
Powered by RedCircle DESCRIPTION Madness. Terror. Murder. Join your horror hosts Kim & Jon as they close out their J-Horror double-bill Kiyoshi Kurosawa’s Cure (1997). Coincidentally, another existential nightmare puzzle box! This one’s a doozy, but also a brilliantly taught and complex thriller with a serial killer that has...
Every year is a good year for horror and 2022 gave us not only killer indie flicks but also some...
There is no better time to watch a killer Santa slashing his way through The Naughty List than mid-December with...
Travis Stevens’ newest film A Wounded Fawn is super weird. On the surface, it’s a simple cat-and-mouse story between a serial killer and his next victim but it quickly reveals itself to be a hallucinatory fever dream, filled with ethereal creatures and some of the most striking horror imagery of the...