Leatherface is the brand new prequel to a brutal slasher franchise spawned by a little film called The Texas Chain Saw...
Thoroughbreds is a nasty little thriller about two girls that conspire to murder an overbearing step-father. Estranged friends Amanda and...
Dr. Frankenstein’s monster is given a digital makeover in this Netflix sci-fi thriller that attempts to ask the question of AI sentience, and what it means to be human. However, with most films dealing with artificial intelligence, TAU falls to tried and tested formulas. On one hand, Federico D’Alessandro’s debut...
Blumhouse Productions has taken the horror genre by storm with an impressive selection of hit releases praised by fans, successfully...
There is a multitude of meaning to the lyrics “Mama, just killed a man” when Freddie Mercury coos them through...
Two men go into space but three come back in Egor Abramenko’s atmospheric sci-fi horror Sputnik. It’s an alien invasion film of a different variety, opting to infiltrate Earth by hiding inside one man rather than sending an army of spaceships to decimate our planet one monument at a time....
You might think comedy is the genre for “weird families,” but I’d argue it’s horror. From The Texas Chainsaw Massacre...
Filmmaking is a tough racket–it’s hard enough to get the film made, to make it through the stages of production,...
DESCRIPTION: You don’t have to be a music-obsessed serial killer straight out of a horror movie to enjoy this week’s episode of Nightmare on Film Street, but it sure helps! Join your horror hosts Jon & Kim as they close out their celebration of Women in Horror with two psychopaths...
Titane is the femme-powered cannon that’s been taking the festival season by storm, and rightly so. Written and directed by...
Despite what your pocket watch may tell you, time doesn’t always move forward, and it certainly doesn’t heal all wounds....
It’s hard to believe there’s much of anything to get excited for in these strange and depressing times, but there’s always horror. And praise the overlords — there are a heck of a lot of horror movies coming out in 2022. Now, because we’ve got covid variants aplenty threatening to...