When you find yourself trapped in a horror movie scenario (as one does), your survival instincts become paramount. From relentless...
The “Final Girl” has been a prominent trope in horror since it was popularized in the 1970s in films like...
I’m going to assume you’ve seen Ridley Scott’s Alien, but have you seen Ridley Scott’s Alien reenacted by the bus drivers of Dorset? I hadn’t either but now, thanks to Danielle Kummer and Lucy Harvey’s incredibly charming documentary Alien On Stage, you can see the amateur dramatics group ambitious undertaking...
Every year is a good year for horror. That used to just be a nice thing to say but even...
Two men go into space but three come back in Egor Abramenko’s atmospheric sci-fi horror Sputnik. It’s an alien invasion...
Turning 30 isn’t easy, I’ve been told. It’s less easy when an alien bent on destroying the planet crashes your party. Directed by Stephen Ohl in his feature-length debut, Useless Humans teaches a comedic lesson that it’s never too late to change, especially when you’re faced with impending doom at the...
Break out the Van Buren china and hide the TV. It’s easy to let your imaginations run wild when you...
As a fervent fan of anything Alien (1979), I was initially sceptical about Director Alexandre O. Philippe’s documentary, Memory: The Origins of Alien. I...
Shark movies. It’s kind of hard to mess them up. You take your camera-happy (or shy, if you’re Steven Spielberg) sharks, throw them in some sun infested waters (or not, if you’re the 47 Meters Down franchise), and pull out an iron-clad audience pleaser. “47 Meters Down: Uncaged channels Jason...