Sony Crackle’s Office Uprising hit the free streaming service on July 19th, 2018. The film is a zombie horror-comedy that manages...
The landscape of modern zombie films owes a significant debt to the groundbreaking 28 Days Later (2002), a film that...
Directed by Marcus Dunstan, Unhuman is the unhinged after-school special every young horror nerd (myself included) would have loved to race home to watch. Packed full of horror’s next-gen stars, this romp mashes Degrassi teen drama with a neon tinted zombie fever dream. It’s also co-written by Dunstan (Saw IV-VI)...
Welcome, brave souls and thrill-seekers, to the ultimate cinematic journey through the end times! If you’ve ever wondered how you’d...
In the world of film, where genres blend and boundaries blur, there exists a delightfully peculiar niche that marries the...
Generally, moms and horror movies do not mix. (Unless you happen to have the coolest mom on the planet.. in which case, please adopt me.) The gore, the violence, the jumpscares – usually not mom’s cup of tea. But if there is anything all moms have in common, it’s wanting...
Graveyards: those eerie expanses where the departed find their eternal rest, and where filmmakers unearth some of the most spine-tingling...
The female-driven zombie film Endzeit (Ever After)Â premiered to a sold out theatre at this year’s Toronto International Film Festival, which...
Festival darling Gustavo Hernandez (The Silent House) is back with his latest thrill ride Virus :32. Paula Silva stars as fun-loving but neglectful single mother Iris, who is straddled with bringing her daughter along to work, despite the viral outbreak taking place around her. The infected start to invade while...
The nightmare begins again with Resident Evil: Welcome to Raccoon City, a new cinematic adaptation of the popular video game series....
How do you defend yourself from the undead when you can’t see anything? There’s an extra layer of terror that...
If you’re a fan of horror movies and adrenaline-pumping action, then you’re in for a treat! We’ve rounded up the top 10 action horror movies that will have you jumping out of your seat one minute and cheering for the hero in the next. Get ready for a wild ride,...