Rage fuels the title character in Jonathan Milott and Cary Murnion’s movie Becky. After her mother’s unfortunate passing, the teenager is...
Thanks to horror movies, I’ve become more and more suspicious of high society-types and what depraved acts might take place...
In Sao Paulo, a city already rife with poverty, death and corruption, an ancient evil will be awakened, bringing destruction...
Joining the tradition of the stalker horror subgenre, specifically the “lady stalker” theme of films like Misery and Fatal Attraction,...
We are safe and sound so long as we are in our own homes—this longstanding, unspoken notion has been challenged...
It’s ironic that the fantasy genre, for all its promises to sweep us away to a world of, well, fantasy,...
Pregnancy and motherhood can be a blessing for many, but for some it can be a curse as explored in...
I could spend hours talking about why I love 1941’s The Wolf Man. There’s the makeup, the cast (Lon Chaney...