Monster movies are never just one thing. Night of the Living Dead isn’t just about zombies, it’s about prejudices rooted deeply into...
Tonally disparate film adaptations of classic television shows are nothing new. Charlie’s Angels, The Brady Bunch, and 21 Jump Street...
For the past few years, the #MeToo movement has been going strong as survivors of sexual assault come forward with...
After a seemingly endless parade of false starts, fans of the beloved horror comic series Locke & Key finally have...
In Leap of Faith: William Friedkin on The Exorcist, documentary filmmaker Alexandre O. Philippe turns his obsessive interests to William Friedkin’s...
What comes to mind when you think of Hansel and Gretel? Is it crumbs of bread making a path through...
It’s almost impossible to properly review The Turning without talking about how it ends. Let’s just say that the finale...
The wait is over, and we can finally binge Netflix’s Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: Part 3! I for one have...