Time travel movies are a lot like zombie movies. You think you’ve seen it all, that the well has run...
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If you’ve listened to the recent episodes of the Nightmare On Film Street podcast, you might have noticed the topic...
If we have learned anything from the cold open of Army of the Dead, it’s that road head usually leads to...
It should come as no surprise that Zack Snyder can direct the f*ck out of a zombie movie. His debut...
Like a MumbleGore re-imagining of John Carpenter’s The Thing set in the remote forest regions of South Africa, Gaia hints at...
As Michael Peterson, the director of Knuckleball, once explained to me, horror and comedy aren’t as far apart as people...
When I think about Mardi Gras, I think about the marching parades in the streets of New Orleans, and how...
What’s up, weirdos? Welcome to Awfully Good, where we celebrate rad trash! Since we’re celebrating Women in Horror Month here at Nightmare on...