DESCRIPTION: When there’s no more room in horror movie hell, the remakes will walk the earth! On this week’s episode...
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Sometimes all that’s needed to bring new energy to a well-trod genre is to inject some deceptively simple innovation into...
The worldwide release of Girl With No Mouth could not come at a better time for Nightmare On Film Street,...
Every year is a good year for horror. That used to just be a nice thing to say but even...
A lot of people say they smoke pot to relax. But what if every time you lit up a fat...
Pour A Bowl of Sugary Cereal And Get Ready For The Saturday Morning Scares Halloween Special!!! 🎃
Happy Halloween morning, fiends! Since Halloween falls on a Saturday this year, it only seems right that we celebrate with...
Filled wall-to-wall with handmade puppets, Frank & Zed is the kind of movie you could watch with the whole family if it...
Earlier this year, in February, the horror community lost an icon. Filmmaker José Mojica Marins, known for his macabre character...