Kyle Edward Ball’s experimental debut feature Skinamarink is an eerie, elongated nightmare plucked straight from the mind of your childhood self....
Welcome back, weirdos! It’s been too long! You might be thinking, “Mac, where was our recommendation for November?” Well, a...
What would you do if a large sum of money randomly dropped onto your lap? Would you question where it came from? Would it solve all your problems, or would it create new ones? How do you know that it won’t change you or your relationships to those close to...
A small town fights to stave off the apocalypse in David Hebrero’s Everyone Will Burn (Y todos arderán). Fans of...
Feral is the latest genre flick seeking to stretch its found footage muscle. Rather than opting for a grainy hand-held...
Jeremy Saulnier’s cold, brooding film Hold The Dark premiered to eager audience in the hot swelter of Austin’s Fantastic Fest 2018. Saulnier has made a name for himself in genre film by exploring the brutality and reality of characters in perilous situations. 2016’s Green Room gave us a taste for blood and we cheered...
“So what’s with the 80’s theme?” “It’s the epitome of cheese. And sometimes, I like to smile.” Talk about summarizing...
The abbreviation B&B commonly stands for “bed and breakfast,” but not here. Welcome to the world of travel accommodations known...
After a pandemic’s-worth of wait, The Green Knight is finally here. Teased in early 2020 (now hereby known as “simpler times”), the A24 dark fantasy epic lured us horror fiends in with an ambiguously sinister trailer; promising a foreboding epic set during the height of knights, mead, muddy floors, and...
Directed by Joe Marcantonio, who co-wrote the film with Jason McLogoan, Kindred stars Tamara Lawrance as a recently widowed and newly pregnant...
Despite what your pocket watch may tell you, time doesn’t always move forward, and it certainly doesn’t heal all wounds....
Let’s address the elephant in the room. I really had no clue whatsoever what to expect from a feature called Uncle Peckerhead. Where do you even begin to guess what you’re in for? An exploitation flick? A bad porno? The old saying our parents taught us rings true – never...