The Old Ways follows Mexican American reporter Christina — and her journey to her homeland, Veracruz. However, she is abducted...
You’re going to want to take a big deep breath before sitting down to watch James Ashcroft’s Coming Home In...
Written and directed by Jonathan Cuartas, in his feature film debut, My Heart Can’t Beat Unless You Tell It To is the story of two siblings forced into a violent life of murder to protect and provide for their sick brother. The film stars Patrick Fugit (Almost Famous) and Ingrid...
Demon possession movies, although constant crowd-pleasers, are often very predictable. The multi-million dollar Conjuring franchise has pretty much laid out...
Agnes is not quite like any other possession movie you’ve likely seen. It follows a lot of the same beats...
An eating disorder threatens to consume a young jazz singer in Samantha Smith’s Shapeless. Celebrating its world premiere at 2021 Tribeca Film Festival, Shapeless is a slightly disjointed story couched by hauntingly specific imagery and an eye for the destruction daze of someone spiraling downward. Countless people suffer from eating...
Do you believe in demons? Do you believe that there are forces beyond your control laying in wait for the...
Ah yes. The uncomfortable dinner party. It is a popular trope we have seen used as a vehicle for furthering...
It’s been 44 years since John Carpenter and Debra Hill first introduced legendary slasher Michael Myers and definitive “final girl” Laurie Strode. Twelve films and four decades of horror history later, David Gordon Green’s final entry of his legacy sequel trilogy, Halloween Ends, closes the book on the Strode/Myers storyline, while opening a...
There is no better time to watch a killer Santa slashing his way through The Naughty List than mid-December with...
Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein has been endlessly adapted over the decades, and for good reason. It’s one of the most profound horror stories...
Michelle Garza Cervera’s debut feature Huesera: The Bone Woman has been delivering mommy-brain nightmares to the film festival circuit this last year and is now playing in select theatres before arriving on VOD next week. It’s a creepy character study about a woman who has made a lot of compromises in...