The set-up for Willy’s Wonderland is wild. Directed by Kevin Lewis, the film centers around a defunct Chuck E. Cheese-type...
It’s hard being a second wife, particularly when the first is still haunting your husband. Haunting and Hijinks are on...
When I think about Mardi Gras, I think about the marching parades in the streets of New Orleans, and how much I would love to return to the historical city. I think about jazz, the architecture, the above-ground cemeteries and its strong connection to voodoo. And when I think about...
Sacrifice (2021) is written and directed by Andy Collier & Toor Mian and takes a subtle approach to slow-burn folk...
Harpo & Lenny Guit’s Mother Schmuckers (Fils de Plouc) is a filthy, revolting gonzo-comedy that would put a smile on John...
While author Shirley Jackson would like us to believe “houses aren’t haunted – people are,” filmmaker Adam Stovall thinks the opposite in his debut feature A Ghost Waits. This monochromatic and shoestring-budgeted indie haunter finds Jack (MacLeod Andrews) in charge of fixing up a house and finding what exactly causes past...
I have been admiring Steven Kostanski’s work for years without even knowing it. All this time I was admiring the...
Fellow NOFS contributor Dave Richards described PG: Psycho Goreman to me as “E.T. meets Gwar,” which I have to say...
Today, the Trump presidency was mercifully put to an end with the inauguration of Joe Biden. The four past years have been excruciatingly long. Every morning we woke up to a new scandal and political pundits tripped over each other to decipher the latest late-night tweet. It was a time...
“Christmas carolers…I hate Christmas carolers.” Mrs. Deagle, myself, and everyone else. We are near concluding End of Days month here at...
Every year is a good year for horror. That used to just be a nice thing to say but even...
Welcome to Awfully Good, where we celebrate dumb and trashy movies! In keeping with this month’s Monster Mash Month theme here at Nightmare, and with today’s date, today’s feature presentation is 1981’s Saturday the 14th. It’s a goofy little horror comedy with a lot to howl about, but we’ll get to that in a...