Everyone knows slumber parties at grandma’s always lead to horrific outcomes. M Night Shyamalan’s The Visit (2016), The Taking of...
The world is a pretty shitty place for most people, and in Véronique Jadin’s L’Employée du Mois (Employee of The...
In Vincent Must Die (Vincent Doit Mourir), director Stéphan Castang weaves a tale of a man’s life turned into a paranoid nightmare. Meet Vincent (Karim Leklou), your average guy working in an office, whose uneventful life takes a shocking turn when he becomes the target of sudden and violent attacks...
Everyone will need insurance at some point in their life but the last people anyone wants to deal with are...
Nick Gillespie’s dark comedy Paul Dood’s Deadly Lunch Break is as sweet as it is sinewy. It tugs on your heartstrings, tickles...
A harmless internet prank gets out of hand real fast in Maureen Bharoocha’s dark comedy The Prank. Celebrating its World Premiere at the 2022 SXSW Film Festival The Prank is a coming-of-age tale, a high school hijinks flick, and a murder mystery all rolled up into one silly story. I think we...
Before we begin, let me say that this review of Archie Vs. Predator II will spoil the ending of its...
Comic book stores across the US will see a triumphant return this Wednesday, courtesy of Dark Horse and Archie Comics....
Rarely do we find comedy in carnage, but debut feature director Kirill Sokolov marries the two cinema components with guts and glory in his debut feature, Why Don’t You Just Die!. While Sokolov portrays his bold influencers through film, he is surprising audiences with a unique brand of Russian dark...
I had a bit of a Munro Chambers marathon last week; I watched Harpoon one night, Riot Girls for lunch...
Do you ever get the feeling you’re too polite for your own good? That your inability to speak up when...
The set-up for Willy’s Wonderland is wild. Directed by Kevin Lewis, the film centers around a defunct Chuck E. Cheese-type entertainment center called Willy’s Wonderland. However, it’s not an economic slump or lack of interest that has caused Willy’s to become boarded up. Oh, no. There’s no logical explanation here....