In Heir of The Witch, an underprivileged seamstress, haunted by her past, seeks love and acceptance in high society but...
Summertime might be a bit too early to start planning for Christmas (though it’s never too early to plan for...
In the heart of an impenetrable forest, a solitary park ranger named Lennon (portrayed by Georgina Campbell, who horror fans will no doubt recognize from 2022’s Barbarian), embarks on a journey that is as much about her own murky past as it is about the uncanny wilderness that engulfs her....
Let’s get it haunted in here! Welcome back to Nightmare Alley, the spooky little side street podcast in the regular...
Michelle Garza Cervera’s debut feature Huesera: The Bone Woman has been delivering mommy-brain nightmares to the film festival circuit this last...
Communing with the spirits is the new party drug in Danny and Michael Philippou’s gory, ghosty stunner Talk To Me. After a raucous career on Youtube as RackaRacka (ask your kids about it) the Australian filmmaking duo have made the leap to feature films with, easily, the coolest ghoulest horror...
Kyle Edward Ball’s experimental debut feature Skinamarink is an eerie, elongated nightmare plucked straight from the mind of your childhood self....
Indie horror filmmaker Travis Stevens (Jakob’s Wife) returns with his latest feature A Wounded Fawn, hitting Shudder Dec 1. Shot...
The V/H/S film series has been a staple in both the found footage and horror anthology arenas for years now, and V/H/S/99 is a new high mark for a franchise already well-known for delivering killer bite-sized horror. It’s also a welcome return to Fun, which hasn’t always been a top priority in...
There is something so wickedly delicious about a slasher film. We sit on the edge of our seats with bated...
Lovecraftian monster and Lovecraftian madness descend on a small cabin-in-the-woods of northern Ontario, Canada in Rodrigo Gudiño’s The Breach. Adapted from...
Kyle Edward Ball’s experimental debut feature Skinamarink is an eerie, elongated nightmare plucked straight from the mind of your childhood self. Shot in a way that looks more like a collection of hyper-specific memories rather than a movie, it’s a dread-fueled trip into the lives of two children trying to make...