Part crime thriller, part psychological horror, Charismata is a dark, atmospheric mystery with a tinge of gallows humor as the...
In true Fantastic Fest fashion, the festival surprised everyone when this year’s secret screening was announced to be none other...
I could spend hours talking about why I love 1941’s The Wolf Man. There’s the makeup, the cast (Lon Chaney Jr., Claude Rains and Bela Lugosi?!), and the movie’s importance to werewolf lore (silver-as-kryptonite and full-moon-transformations come from this film). But what will always get me about this movie is the ending....
I could spend hours talking about why I love 1941’s The Wolf Man. There’s the makeup, the cast (Lon Chaney...
Hear me out: every musical genre has a vampire film to match it. Bela Lugosi’s OG Dracula pairs with something...
The lights are down, the snacks are open, and there’s a distinctly earthy aroma filling the theater, which can mean only one thing: it’s time for Screaming in Harmony, where we take a look at sing-along slaughterfests! To keep with August’s Hotter Than Hell theme, tonight’s feature is the 2006 horror-comedy-rock-opera-stoner-road-trip film, Tenacious D...
Since the beginning of Fantasia 2020, I’ve been telling everyone I know about Fried Barry, a wild and colorful film...
Horror has played with depicting the world of dreams before. The most iconic foray into the horrors of our sleeping...
Though this year’s Fantasia Fest was chock full of the best kind of horror tropes, only a few of them used vampires. And even if they did, they didn’t use them quite like Climate of the Hunter. A funky drama between a vampire and two very weird sisters, Climate of...
While horror has delved into the subconscious waters of our dreams many times before, director Anthony Scott Burns (Our House)...
The lights are down, all of my candy is unwrapped, and a guy I’ve never met before won’t stop telling...
Having a triumph film like American Psycho on her resume, one might assume there are no cinematic challenges left for Mary Harron to meet let alone enjoy. However, the director has only since expanded her expert craft to all sorts of film and television mediums since her major horror release...