Takahide Hori’s Junk Head first played at the Fantasia International Film Festival back in 2017, with a much longer and...
After a pandemic’s-worth of wait, The Green Knight is finally here. Teased in early 2020 (now hereby known as “simpler...
Everyone has heard of the concept of Chekhov’s Gun. But what about Chekhov’s Bong? That means if a character in a horror movie is ripping fat tokes from a bong in one scene, there’s a strong possibility that bong will be smashed over their head in the next scene by...
If you’re anything like me, cartoons made specifically to fuck you up mentally are the best kind. Everyone’s nostalgic for...
Nick Gillespie’s dark comedy Paul Dood’s Deadly Lunch Break is as sweet as it is sinewy. It tugs on your heartstrings, tickles...
I love me a good witch movie. Having cut my teeth on The Craft in the roaring ’90s, I spent the majority of my youth seeking out deviant content with girls behaving badly. Which meant lots and lots of witch movies. Falling in line with present-day cinema’s trend of ‘movies...
The set-up for Willy’s Wonderland is wild. Directed by Kevin Lewis, the film centers around a defunct Chuck E. Cheese-type...
When I think about Mardi Gras, I think about the marching parades in the streets of New Orleans, and how...
When the Wachowskis first unleased The Matrix in 1999, the ideas and theories it posited blew mainstream society’s collective mind. Despite being around in one form or another for centuries, its hyper-stylized, expertly executed and Keanu-infused presentation of simulation theory injected new life and energy into the hypothesis. As conversations...
A glimpse into another world not too unlike our own isn’t exactly a novel format for the fantasy genre, but...
Welcome to Gut the Punks, a monthly dissection of genre films that have a loose connection to punk rock music...
I have been admiring Steven Kostanski’s work for years without even knowing it. All this time I was admiring the special makeup effects in Todd and the Book of Pure Evil and Hannibal, I didn’t know it was the handiwork of the director of The Void.  Kostanski’s latest work, PG:...