While horror has delved into the subconscious waters of our dreams many times before, director Anthony Scott Burns (Our House)...
A few months ago the horror community at large was given their first taste of Chloe Okuno’s talents in her...
It’s time to raise the dead.. again. Whether you walk on four legs or two, it’s hard to deny Stephen King is the reigning source for the 21st century. He’s still churning out pageturners at every opportunity, and Hollywood has eagerly latched its content-hungry claws into King’s back-catalog – with...
The law is intended to maintain order and protect civil liberties. It may not always work out that way, but...
A lot of people say they smoke pot to relax. But what if every time you lit up a fat...
Generally, moms and horror movies do not mix. (Unless you happen to have the coolest mom on the planet.. in which case, please adopt me.) The gore, the violence, the jumpscares – usually not mom’s cup of tea. But if there is anything all moms have in common, it’s wanting...
DESCRIPTION: It’s the podcast crossover event of the century! On this week’s episode of Nightmare on Film Street, your hosts...
Analog-obsessed modern horror maestro Scott Derrickson is back from his brief jaunt in the Marvel universe with The Black Phone....
It’s been 23 years since Tales From the Hood came out and yet, it’s still relevant as ever. The horror anthology dealt with issues that plague the black community such as police brutality, racist politicians and gang violence, adding elements of the paranormal. Not a lot has changed since then...
I love a good haunted house film — the genre is my ghost loving horror fan addiction. But as rich...
Are you tired of scrolling through endless options on Amazon Prime without finding anything compelling enough to commit? Look no...
Last Halloween, Faster Horse Pictures announced there development plans for a new horror franchise centered around one of New Orleans’ most haunted locations: The LaLaurie Mansion. The property is home to over 100 years of cruelty, bad luck, and all manor ill-fated happenings. In other words, this house seems to...