Step into the shadows in The Boogeyman (2023), a spine-tingling horror film based on the short story by the legendary...
Step into the twisted but beautiful reality of Influencer, where social media’s shiny veneer is peeled back to expose the...
In a world where horror films often tread familiar ground, Outpost emerges as a breath of fresh air, taking audiences on an unsettling journey through the untouched forests of northern Idaho. Written and directed by comedic actor and secret lifelong horror fan Joe Lo Truglio (Brooklyn Nine-Nine) in his feature...
Teen movies have been in a slump since the early aughts, so while it initially came as a surprise when...
I’ve been procrastinating in writing this review for almost two weeks. No, not because I didn’t like The Outwaters, and...
Found footage is an acquired taste among horror fans. Some of us love it (meeee), and some of us absolutely detest it. The latter camp (even though they are utterly incorrect), often complains of low-level scares, not enough escalation with its horror elements, and being too stingy with its monsters....
If the pandemic has taught us anything (besides the fact that we touch our faces way too damn much), it’s...
Tense, moody, and with plenty of sinister secrets to uncover, Argentine horror film On the 3rd Day (Al Tercer Día) is...
If there’s a genre that’s hip with the times, it’s definitely horror. Killing kids on Facebook before your grandma even signed up, Horror’s been taking tech to task since the Y2k. And now, with people everywhere renting out the lumpy futon in the cat’s bedroom on AirBNB, it’s no surprise...
After a pandemic’s-worth of wait, The Green Knight is finally here. Teased in early 2020 (now hereby known as “simpler...
After a somewhat muddled start in 1994, to a killer camp slasher that raised the stakes in ’78, Netflix closes...
In February of 1975, audiences everywhere were introduced to the horror of The Stepford Wives. It was a horror of expectations, the expectations a patriarchal society puts on a woman to become a “perfect wife.” At this year’s Tribeca Film Festival, John Lee’s pregnancy thriller False Positive made for what...