Directed by Marcus Dunstan, Unhuman is the unhinged after-school special every young horror nerd (myself included) would have loved to...
We all digest horror films differently. Some of us get the heebie-jeebies from a good ol’ fashioned terrifying story because...
Gratitude comes in many shapes, forms, and roles. At this time of the year, we pause to reflect on all that we are grateful for… or all that we should be. Marcus Dunstan’s (The Collector) November episode of Into The Dark, seasonally titled Pilgrim, offers a bounty of blood and...
What does Thanksgiving really mean? Is it all about obnoxious feasting? Family turmoil? Idle device fixation? Superficial displays? Whitewashed genocide?...
As film fans, we are constantly in search for new, exciting and fresh material. This fact extends to franchises and...