Japanese director Takashi Miike is prolific, to say the least. He has directed over 100 films, ranging from horrifying to...
Before even seeing The Wind, it had already garnered originality points. A slow and subtle period piece, described as a...
It’s important to remember that the cryptid at the center of Kryptic is NOT Bigfoot. It may look like bigfoot, it may live in the same surroundings as Bigfoot, and it may even have some of the same questionably interdimensional qualities as Bigfoot but it is definitely not Bigfoot. And...
Alex Noyer’s Sound of Violence features some pretty elaborate deaths, tailor-made for the Midnight Madness crowd. Adapted from his short Conductor, the...
Films today never truly dip their toes in piety. It is often used in horror as a cheap-shot quick-grab “good...
Powered by RedCircle DESCRIPTION Join your horror hosts Kim & Jon as they close out their Murder on The Marquee double-feature with classic Italian splatterfest Demons (1985). Set almost entirely in one movie theatre, Demons is a gorefest of squished heads, torn flesh, and technicolor pus. It’s the perfect Friday...
One eventful night of chaos. It’s a formula ideal for the found-footage horror, and one that’s been utilized to perfection...
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