Every new year of Horror begins and ends at the Sundance Film Festival. It’s maybe not the first festival that...
Hollywood’s Ed and Lorraine Warren have been through a lot. A run-in with an evil nun, an Annabelle doll that...
Panic Film Fest returns! Back again for another year of gory head explosions, gut-bustin’ gags, and blood-curdling scares, Panic Festo 2023 program has officially dropped and it’s jam-packed with horror goodies. If you’ve been cooped up inside all winter long and you’re ready to get weird and party like a...
5 Horror Movies to watch after seeing Malignant. You want recommendations, we’ve got ’em! Malignant has only been out for...
Scream VI, 2023’s newest horror movie, hits theatres this weekend. In a surprising turn, this blood-soaked slasher was made available...
High hopes, low expectations. That’s how I try to go into a horror movie I’m apprehensive on. It’s how I walked into The Possession of Hannah Grace, which caught me, and I’m pretty sure the rest of the horror community, by surprise. I’m sure I shamefully said “Oh, they’re going...
Comedian Chris Rock once said “if you haven’t contemplated murder, you ain’t been in love.” That quote will give you...
Lovecraftian monster and Lovecraftian madness descend on a small cabin-in-the-woods of northern Ontario, Canada in Rodrigo Gudiño’s The Breach. Adapted from...
I’ll Take Your Dead from Black Fawn Films tells the tale of William (Aidan Devine, TV’s Impulse), a widower raising his daughter, Gloria (Ava Preston, Critters Attack!) in a hostile, gang-filled environment. If you’re not familiar with Black Fawn Films past offerings, flicks like Bite (2015), The Heritics (2017) and...
Michael Myers returns to Haddonfield for another round of tricks and treats (and murders!) in Halloween Kills, David Gordon Green’s follow-up...
Dead men tell no tales, but they do take some interesting secrets to the grave. Brazilian writer and director Dennison...
Another Halloween has come and gone, though the festivities this year were a lot different compared to previous years, for obvious reasons. Halloween means different things to different people. For the kids, it means getting lots of candy. For those who have outgrown Halloween, it’s still an excuse to party...